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Senin, 15 April 2013

Shingeki No Kyojin [Subtitle Indonesia/Inggris] Episode 1

Judul Episode: 
Untukmu 2000 Tahun Kemudian (Keruntuhan Shiganshina Bagian Satu)
Subtitle dari:
Inggris oleh GG (Subtitle yang saya terjemahkan)
Indonesia oleh Pandeka Api (Saya)

For over a hundred years, humans have been living in a city surrounded by gigantic walls, which prevent the Titans, giant humanoid creatures who eat humans, from entering. Despite the city being safe and peaceful, young Eren Yeager wishes to see the outside world by joining the Recon Corps, a group of soldiers that venture outside and fight Titans, as he sees living in the city forever like trapped cattle. Despite his foster sister Mikasa Ackerman and their mother Carla are against him in joining the Corps and even after seeing the Recon Corps returning home with large casualties, Eren stills wants to join them which impresses his father Grisha. After Eren and Mikasa save their friend Armin Arlelt from bullies due to his views that the walls won't protect them forever, a colossal Titan much higher than the walls suddenly appears and kicks the Shiganshina gate, allowing smaller Titans to enter. As the people run away from the Titans, Eren and Mikasa head to their home to save their mother as she is trapped under their collapsed house by the debris falling from the wall. Despite Carla begging her children to leave her and save themselves, they refuse and it is only after City Guard Hannes arrives and takes the children away against their wishes. Eren and Mikasa watch in horror as a Titan kills and eats their mother. 

Sepatah Kata:
Jika ternyata nanti ada terjemahan yang salah atau tidak sesuai dengan bahasa Jepang-nya maupun bahasa Inggris-nya, saya mohon maaf. Karena ini adalah proyek pertama saya buat nge-sub. Jadi saya juga menginginkan kritikan dan saran dari teman-teman semua. ^_^ 

Tautan Download:
Video [Subtile Indonesia dan Inggris]: Mediafire
Subtiltle Saja [Indonesia]: Mediafire

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