Shingeki No Kyojin [Subtitle Indonesia/Inggris] Episode 3
Judul Episode:
Cahaya yang Suram dalam Keputusasaan (Perbaikan Umat Manusia Bagian Satu)
Subtitle Dari:
Inggris oleh GG (Subtitle yang saya terjemahkan)
Indonesia oleh Pandeka Api (Saya)
Drill Instructor Keith Shadis begins inspecting the new recruits by
verbally insulting and intimidating the weak ones. When Sasha Browse is
caught eating a potato during the drill, she is punished to run around
the camp until exhaustion. She is later taken back to bed by Ymir and
Christa Renz. Eren has a rivalry with Jean Kirschtein, as the latter
wants to join the Military Police because their only job is to protect
the inner city walls, whom Eren finds cowardly. The recruits begin
training using 3D Maneuver Gear by maintaining their balance in the air.
Eren has trouble balancing his Gear, so he asks Reiner Braun and
Bertholt Fubar for help. As Reiner and Bertholt give advice to Eren, the
three of them, including Armin, head to a nearby lake. Both reveal that
they came from a town that was not warned of the Titans' attack.
Despite surviving, Reiner wants to go back to their hometown. Bertholt,
on the other hand, was traumatized by the Titans and wants to join the
police to avoid encountering them. The next day, Eren tries the Maneuver
Gear again and succeeds for a while before falling once more. Much to
everyone's surprise, Keith discovers that Eren's Gear was actually
defective and after equipping another recruit's working Gear, he proves
to indeed have the aptitude to use it. The fact that Eren could maintain
his balance even for a few seconds with a faulty Gear impresses Keith
and the other recruits. Proud of the recruits who succeeded, Keith
further continues their training with the Maneuver Gear.